Chemical Engineering Society

  • Cf 10yrs 21.04.16 064 rt

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Camira Fabrics expedition

Image shows Camira Fabrics, Meltham site. Black Signage 9Camira Fabrics) in the front with car parking behind it and white/brown building with white signage (Camira Fabrics). (Image credit: BBC)

Camira Fabrics Expedetion 


The Chemical Engineering Society invites all the members
to join us for a trip to a textiles manufacturing plant, Camira Fabrics.

This is a great opportunity to gain knowledge regarding textile plant's
operation and increase your network by meeting employees at the plant.

This tour will last for 1.5 hours and then a Q&A session will take place.

Members who are participating are required to be on campus by 8:40 am 
as attendance will take place before commencing the trip. 


Members who have access to vehicles are request to contact the President (U2079586) 
to assist in picking up other members. 


Venue : Camira Fabrics

Type: Activities Day, Society, Travel or Trips

Start Date: Tuesday 21-01-2025 - 09:30

End date: Tuesday 21-01-2025 - 11:30

Capacity: 11


Contact Details

Hardik Soni

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