Huddersfield Students’ Union is a registered charity, and company limited by guarantee. Every year we have our accounts externally audited and write a Trustees Annual Report. This report is the story of accounts, it contains information about us; how we are run; our activities and achievements; and it helps to explain the numbers in our accounts.
The Report and Accounts are submitted to the Charity Commission and Companies House each year.
Read the Trustee Board report and the Annual Accounts for Huddersfield Students’ Union here: Link to annual report
Link to accounts
For the purposes of the Education Act 1994 we are required to annually publish a report containing a list of the external organisations to which it is affiliated to along with details of any subscriptions, fees or donations made to those organisations.
This webpage serves to fulfil the requirement above of reporting on the affiliated organisations that we have chosen to affiliate to.
Huddersfield Students’ Union is affiliated with external bodies to help us carry out our work on behalf of the student body most effectively:
NUS and NUS Charity (National Union of Students) - £29,477.
The NUS is the national representative and campaigning body for students in the UK. Benefits to the SU of NUS affiliation can be found here.
BUCS (British Universities and Colleges Sport) - £5,350.
BUCS is the national governing body which oversees sport within UK Higher Education. Through BUCS, students from member institutions compete in a variety of competitions including league, cup and championship fixtures.
Affiliation to BUCS and other sport-specific governing bodies is a mandatory requirement for any teams looking to compete in BUCS fixtures. Affiliation allows the individuals/teams concerned to be adequately insured, ensures that competition standards and rules & regulations are standardised, legally protects individuals competing, and grants them access to opportunities, funding and advice.