Applying for work can be difficult as a Trans person, given that birth certificates and passports are typically required in order to show your right to work in the UK.
If you don't have a Gender Recognition Certificate, you can’t update the gender or name on your birth certificate. This leaves you with a passport, which will cost £75.50 online or £85* through a paper form to renew in the correct name and gender or to apply for if you haven't had one before. You can only change or apply for one if your GP or a clinician from a Gender Identity Clinic writes you a letter confirming that your change of gender is going to be permanent. This means that some trans people don't have either a passport or birth certificate in their correct name and gender, which can seem like a barrier to work.
However, in almost every case, a birth certificate or passport in your previous name, accompanied by a copy of your deed poll, will be enough to secure your right to work. If you're worried, the Careers Centre and/or Placement Office for your school can provide extra support to apply for work or placements.
* Prices correct at the time of webpage creation