Our ‘Play’ offering is the entry-level into the amazing sports available at Huddersfield. There are two strands to play, one through Activehud and the other through our SU Sports Clubs. They’re the perfect opportunity to try something new and keep active whilst at university.


The sessions run through Activehud are a great opportunity to turn up and play sports without that cost and time commitment. Their sport programme gives you the chance to take part in sport in a fun and relaxed environment with over 20 sessions each week.

Students’ Union Sports Clubs

These sessions are run through our Students’ Union clubs and are a great opportunity to keep active whilst also benefitting from the social perks that come with being part of a sports club. Most of our clubs offer a tiered membership, which is perfect for students who want to train and be part of the social side of a sports club… without the commitment of competing every week.