Our Strategic Plan for making student life better.

Our mission has always been to “make student life better” for students at the University of Huddersfield. The Union enters this next strategic period 2024-2027 with an eye on our centenary – HSU turns 100 years old in November 2027 and we are ready to celebrate with a fantastic and impactful three years in the lead up to this date

We add value, beyond the academic learning, that makes a difference to the lives of our students. We deliver skills and experiences that benefit students individually and as part of the community.

Alongside all the usual activity, events and excellent services we set out to achieve in 4 main aims:

Help students be their best, authentic selves.

Equity is at the heart of everything we do. 100% of staff will agree that "I believe that HSU has a positive impact on the lives of students" and we'll deliver our Equity and Inclusion Plan.

Invest in and Celebrate Student Leaders: through the Kirklees Volunteering Award 1000 students will receive a Volunteer Transcript, and we'll tell 100 Student Stories by 2027.


Speak up for students to transform their decision.

Provide responsive and expert advice: we will achieve the Advice Quality Standard.

Empowering and accessible democracy and representation, with student leadership at it's core: we'll be in the top Quartile for NSS.

Strategy Bookshelf

Influence the world around us.

Supporting all our students to have a great accommodation experience in Huddersfield. Our HudLets Business Plan will mean that HudLets will be the number one accommodation provider for students, providing an outstanding service.

Actively challenge the climate crisis to create a more sustainable future. Our Sustainability Action Plan will create a Union that is ethical, environmentally friendly and sustainable, and is able to demonstrate through the actions we take the positive impact we are having.