Category: Other
A well-planned timetable is crucial for students' success, allowing everyone to balance academic life with personal responsibilities. Our current timetabling system leaves students scrambling to arrange jobs, childcare, and travel plans with little notice, creating unnecessary stress and financial strain. By releasing timetables earlier and adopting a more flexible scheduling approach, we can support a diverse range of needs — from parents managing childcare, students with jobs or long commutes, to disabled students creating travel plans which work for them. A proactive, student-centered timetabling policy will foster inclusivity, promote well-being, and empower everyone to plan ahead and thrive at university. Please vote in support of this idea to change the way in which the University views timetabling, remember that WE pay THEM and the focus should be on US!
Note from Huddersfield SU: Please comment below any experiences or thoughts you have around timetabling in the comment section. Even though it's very difficult to make changes to timetabling, we want to hear your voice and pass it onto the relevent University Staff.
Thank you
I totally agree with you, and I entirely support the idea you presented.
I think this is a great idea. Timetables need to be released WAY earlier. As a student rep for 2 years now, there has been many questions on date releases from the class. Even if they are released without staff. We only really need to know the dates so we can organise around it. As a student ambassador too, accepting jobs is difficult and they often have short dates to reply by; having no timetable to refer to to accept these jobs unfortunately ends in loosing the opportunity to do them.
We know Huddersfield's students have a variety of social backgrounds that can make participation difficult. I've been incredibly fortunate that my academic department was able to fit timetabling around student needs, and I'm sure they have seen a higher level of academic engagement as a result. HHS had a PGR conference in June, where a guest speaker discussed participation negotiation and the benefits of accommodating a student's external priorities. I think Huddersfield can and should lead by example by showing that HE is inclusive to all students, regardless of their situation and non-academic priorities.
Agree with all the comments. Thank you for raising this issue.
As a second year student studying media, my timetabling has been awful this year. Many things keep getting changed around still. My seminars and lectures alternate weekly and it's been decided to put my seminar in an hour break which I had previously. This means I have to work for 4 hour straight which obviously I'm going to get exhausted from. Where are the people considering on students mental well being?