Astrology and Spirituality Society

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Astrology + Spirituality Society

About us

We are the astrology and spirituality society. We are dedicated to creating our society as a safe place for you to meet new people, discuss astrology and spirituality, improve your self-care and mental health, as well as discovering more about yourself. We are very excited to meet you! 

We offer a range of events, from astrology, spirituality, witchcraft, nights out, socials, sober socials, wellbeing events and much more! We hope you consider joining us and attending our events. :) 


Haroon - Creative Director

Aura - Co-President with Maintenance and Marketing

Liss - Co-President with Inclusion Officer

Eve - Marketing

Mia - Marketing

Sophie - Ambassador

Nia - Ambassador

Soph - Social Secretary

Cosmo - Mascot

All of us :)

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Click below and it will take you straight to our pages! We post regular updates!





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