Business Society

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Huddersfield University Business Society (HUBSoc) 2024/25:

HUBSoc aspires to build a small-scale world of opportunity for everyone, gathering students from all backgrounds to get involved. We strive to provide our members with a

community where everyone can gain business-related insights by delivering events and workshops together. Also, talk shows from experienced students and experts bring careful preparation for students in their future careers. And we plan to collaborate with the local charity organisations for social donation. You are more than welcome to be a part of HUBSoc. Let’s make the most of university life together!


Events & Socials:

  • Social Events: From lively night outs to relaxed coffee and tea tasting sessions, and engaging quiz nights, our social calendar is packed with events that cater to all tastes. These gatherings are perfect for unwinding, making new friends, and building strong connections with fellow students.

  • Networking Events: We host exclusive networking sessions where you can meet industry professionals, alumni, and guest speakers. These events provide invaluable opportunities to expand your network and gain insights from those who have navigated the business world successfully.

  • Business Trips: Experience the inner workings of leading companies with our organized trips to major businesses. These visits offer a unique chance to learn from top professionals and see how business theories are applied in practice.

  • CV and Job Guidance: We offer dedicated support to enhance your employability, including CV workshops, interview preparation, and job-hunting strategies. Our guidance will help you stand out in the competitive job market and secure the roles you aspire to.

  • Charity Collaborations: Giving back is a core value of our society. Through partnerships with local charities, we offer opportunities to get involved in impactful projects that not only benefit the community but also provide experience in corporate social responsibility.

Join the University of Huddersfield Business Society and be part of a dynamic community that balances professional growth with a lively social life. Together, we’ll create memories, build networks, and pave the way for future success.


Past events for 2021/22:

Guest talk from David White (2022)

The Apprentice live watch along and recreation (Term 2 2022)

Coffee tasting with Coffeeevolution (October 28th)

Christmas Dinner at Revolution December 2nd

Mike Lomas guest talk on November 3rd

Social nights out


Keywords: Improving students’ experience, Academic advice, Social life, Placement, Career help, Networking, Donation


Committee members’ details:

President:         Dadylsia Diogo -        

President:         Paul Turner -              

 Vice PresidentMohammed Ahmed Shah -



Society contact details:

Instagram: @businesssociety



If you have any inquiries, please contact us by emailing or dropping a message on our social media. Thank You!



Terms and conditions

Click here to view terms and conditions


Student Activity Group Membership Terms and Conditions.
When you enrolled at the University of Huddersfield you opted into our services, which allows you to obtain an Activity Group Membership. For us to provide you with the best experience we will process your data for carefully considered, specific and legitimate purposes which are in the interest of delivering our services and enhancing your experiences as a member of Huddersfield Students’ Union.

Activity Group memberships can be bought at any time throughout the academic year, with all annual memberships expiring at the end of the academic year (31st July).

This money is paid directly into the Students’ Union and goes straight back into funding Activity Group activities.  In some circumstances, there will be additional costs to participating in Activity Group related activities, where the costs are not covered by memberships and the Students’ Union.

To find out more please email the Activities Team –

There is a 28 day cooling off period following the purchase of a membership. Outside of this 28 day period the decision to issue a refund would need to be considered by the Get Involved Committee as part of their committee responsibilities which can be found in Bye Law 12 on our website: Governance @ Huddersfield Students' Union (

You must be a current student at the University of Huddersfield to be eligible to join student groups. Students’ Union membership is completely free and you can choose to join or leave at any time through your University enrolment.  Other eligible parties (for example alumni) will need to purchase an Alumni Membership before they can join Activity Groups. More information about this can be found here:
Alumni Student Membership @ Huddersfield Students' Union (

Membership Agreement:
Following online registration, you will receive an email confirmation of membership.

These terms and conditions form the basis of the agreement through which the University of Huddersfield Students’ Union will deliver our services to you as an HSU member. By joining this Activity Group you are agreeing to these terms and conditions, and you are providing us with the appropriate consent to handle your personal information in accordance with the General Data Processing Regulations.

If you are not happy with your Activity Group Membership please speak to a member of the activities team or contact to discuss your dissatisfaction.

Data Processing:
Huddersfield Students’ Union is the Data Controller and the Data Processor of any personal data you supply. The personal data you supply will be aligned against the record of members provided by the University at enrolment and together this data will be used to process your student group membership. As a member of Huddersfield Students’ Union your data will be used for communicating matters of legitimate interest, statistical and analytical purposes and to administer your membership as is necessary for the performance of this contract.

Your personal information will be shared with the activity group that you are a member of. If you have any questions, concerns or complaints please contact us using the details below or visiting the office during our opening hours:

Email: (Please use “Data Protection” as the subject)

Phone: 01484 473555

Post: Data Protection, Huddersfield Students’ Union, Queensgate, Huddersfield, HD1 3DH

You will receive communications containing information that is critical to your membership as well as additional information from University of Huddersfield Students’ Union where you have indicated agreement to this. If you provide us with your email address or SMS number, then we may send information which may be of interest such as our Activities Newsletter via e-mail. Opt-out functions are provided in each communication.

Members of Sports Clubs may also be associated with National Governing Bodies. Where the sports clubs have identified affiliation needs Huddersfield Students’ Union will provide basic registration information to these governing bodies.

Activity Group committee members can request certain data from the Students’ Union, such as the names and contact information of individuals who have purchased memberships to join Activity Groups, or who have expressed an interest in joining Activity Groups at the Welcome Fair. Once committee members have completed their training, which includes training around GDPR, they will also have access to this data directly via the website. This data should only be used for its intended purpose and be destroyed once it has fulfilled that purpose. Committee members should not keep hold of data that is not needed or keep data in a place that is insecure.

No membership data should be shared by any committee member or normal member with any third party, sponsor or organisation without the consent of the Students’ Union.

In some cases, we may be required to pass on names and contact details to various external organisation, for example if you’re being insured to drive a car. If you have any problems or concerns with this, please contact a member of the activities department or

The Union is committed to keeping your information safe and full details of our policies, procedures and notices can be found here: Privacy Policy @ Huddersfield Students' Union (

Behaviour and Conduct
By proceeding with your membership you are confirming that, as a member of Huddersfield Students’ Union and a member of one of our Activity Groups, that you will be committed to maintaining an inclusive and safe environment for all students. You are expected to treat all fellow members and potential members with respect and unacceptable behaviour will not be tolerated. If you witness or feel you have anything to report with regards to this, please contact a member of our activities team or

Each activity group, and its members, adheres to the Student Activity Group Policy and the Students’ Union’s Code of Conduct. The Student Activity Group Policy can be found, along with other policies, on the Union’s website here:  Governance @ Huddersfield Students' Union (


We may change these terms and conditions at any time, if we do so we will give you 14 days’ written notice prior to any changes. The most recent edition of these terms and conditions will be binding upon you and members may exit the contract without penalty if they do not accept any proposed variation.